The first video in the TASBot Re: (TASBot Revisited) series is out! TASBot Re: Gradius covers our first run from AGDQ 2014.

Historians wanted: Inquire here.

Content readiness checklist

From TASBot Wiki
Revision as of 18:39, 1 September 2023 by AC (talk | contribs) (Initial checklist in beta form which will need to be updated)
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)

This is our community checklist for whether content is ready to be shown at an event or not.

Before submission:

  • Run is posted somewhere accessible to the TASBot community
  • Video of the run (if needed) is shared
  • Description of the run is present
  • Lead for the event content is identified
  • Event tracker board entry is created for the event
  • Dates are populated (submission, hard freeze, event date)

At the time of submission:

  • Run is in a presentable state
  • Run description is finalized
  • Board tracker is updated to reflect submission
  • Aspects of the run to be finalized if accepted is identified
  • Social media team alerted

At the time of acceptance:

  • Any aspects identified for completion if accepted are started
  • Any content polishing plans are finalized
  • Any additional resources needed are finalized
  • Travel (if needed) is finalized, specifically travel for a TASBot TASBod
  • Board tracker is updated to reflect acceptance
  • Lead confirms hard freeze deadline for changes
  • Social media team promotes event

At the content hard freeze deadline:

  • Final content creation and testing concludes
  • All content changes cease
  • Lead addresses any last-minute adjustments to presentation
  • Final content rehearsals kick off
  • Board tracker is updated to reflect final event content

Day of at the event (live or virtual):

  • Lead assesses readiness
  • TASBot charged or otherwise ready
  • Presenters ready to go live with all needed equipment
  • Full run rehearsals as needed
  • Social media promotes event time

During the presentation:

  • Lead and presenters help TASBot do something amazing
  • Community engagement involved for the event (mods alerted, etc)
  • Hosting, announcements, or other engagement
  • Social media promotion