The first video in the TASBot Re: (TASBot Revisited) series is out! TASBot Re: Gradius covers our first run from AGDQ 2014.

Historians wanted: Inquire here.


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This template displays the chosen pronouns (in English only) of any editor/user of this wiki. It can't be used for someone without an account here. Also note that the gender options in MediaWiki are epicene/fem./masc., and so "it", "one", and neopronouns are unavailable.

Usage: {{p|Username|case}}, where Username is a username without the "User:" prefix, and case is one of the below keywords. Consult the English Wikipedia for a refresher on English pronouns.

  • they for the subjective case (results in "he", "she", or "they")
    • equivalents: nominative, subject, subjective, sub, and he/she
  • them for the objective case (results in "him", "her", or "them")
    • equivalents: accusative, object, oblique, objective, dative, prepositional, obj, him/her, and him
  • their for the possessive determiner (results in "his", "her", or "their")
    • equivalents: genitive, possessive, pos, his/her, and his
  • theirs for the possessive pronoun (results in "his", "hers", or "theirs")
    • equivalents: genitive pronoun, possessive pronoun, poss, his/hers, and hers
  • themself for the reflexive case (results in "himself", "herself", or "themself")
    • equivalents: reflexive2, intensive2, himself/herself2
    • themselves for the reflective case with the alternate epicene form (results in "himself", "herself", or "themselves")
      • equivalents: reflexive, intensive, and himself/herself

If omitted, the second parameter defaults to they, i.e. the subjective case.


  • {{p|ExampleMale|them}} would result in "him"
  • {{p|ExampleFemale|themself}} would result in "herself"
  • {{p|ExampleNB|their}} would result in "their"
  • {{p|ExampleMale|they}} would result in "he"
  • {{p|ExampleFemale|theirs}} would result in "hers"
  • {{p|ExampleNB}} would result in "they"

Copied from the English Wikipedia's {{gender}}.